Tapping daily is my ’emotional toothbrush’. It has become a habit, a routine that ensures I maintain good emotional hygiene! It prevents little niggles becoming big problems, just like brushing prevents cavities appearing. However… occasionally, I need a thorough emotional equivalent of a ‘scale and polish’ and it is quite hard (and sometimes awkward!) to administer this myself. That’s when I contact an experienced practitioner. Another practitioner helps me clean up in places where my own toothbrush can’t quite reach.
So if you have discovered tapping and are good at maintenance but there are some cavities from years ago that won’t disappear and need attention, contact me and I will get you into my chair! But the treatment I shall offer you does not involve needles, anaesthetics or root canal – promised.
If reading the above makes you at all uncomfortable, you probably have a phobia of visiting the dentist. Remember: we can tap on that :)